‘I Drag Like a Grapnel Over the World’s Floor’


Final Project-Goldsmiths MA Computational Arts Degree Show

See the full video here<
Video length: 2m48s

Dreams become transparent, flowing in them with the sleeper, eyes opened --- dreams continue...

This is a physical computing installation. The work is about creating a surreal world.  This is an expression of the idea of not having to look at ourselves and things beyond us in normal psychological, educated, and standardised ways of thinking. If we retreat to a background that is emptier than the universe, who is not an inexplicable and accidental being? Self-implication is loaded with too many concepts and consciousness, which in turn form a life safety net. And now I want to peel off layers and layers of this invisible net, to break free from the concepts and consciousness set by us, to try to break out of the fixed framework, to think what I think.


12 Servos (Arduino)
